to Common Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Yard Guard

Q. Is Yard Guard just like those other companies that don’t care about me?

A. How could you think such a thing?? We have a team of career staff who love what they do and look forward to treating you like family (the good side of the family). We are in the business of having happy customers and have no interest in cutting corners to save a nickel. We want to do a good honest job and see your smiling face year after year.

Q. What sort of training does Yard Guard give to its staff?

A. At Yard Guard all of our staff first go through the state certification process to become a licensed applicator. We provide an intensive 10-day training series for new specialists. The program covers a variety of agronomic, horticultural and safety related topics. Each new specialist is paired with a mentor who provides coaching and tips on how to give the best health care to your lawn and trees. We like to make training fun, if you ever want to learn more come visit our shop sometime!

About our Lawn Treatments

Q. How long does it take to see results?

A. Weed control typically takes 7-10 days to take effect depending on products and weather. Every lawn is a little different, but within a season you will see big difference!

Q. When is the best time to start service?

A. Yesterday! Ideally our program would start with our fall application, this really sets the foundation for the following season. We are happy to get you started anytime!

Q. Do I need all 5 applications?

A. Do you need to eat 7 days a week? I know I do!

Weed control is important, but the best weed control is thick healthy turf that leaves weeds nowhere to go.

We build the program based on our soils and climate, but also based on the feeding period of our nutrients. By using higher quality slow-release products we can extend the feeding period to about 40 days.

Each application builds on the last, starting with our 5th application. Our fall application sets up your root health for the following year. The spring application helps get things growing evenly and breaks down some of the thatch built up. During the second application we are able to start tackling some of the newly germinating weeds while taking advantage of the moderate temperatures to put down a decent amount of nutrients. Things are starting tobget warmer for our third and fourth application, so we still have weed control and we pack on micronutrients along with humic acid while cutting back a little on macro nutrients. In the heat we want to continue to keep the grass growing, but not overwork things. Then back to the 5th application to start rebuilding for the following year!

Q. Does Yard Guard do liquid or granular applications?

A. We use a mixture of liquid and granular fertilizers depending on the time of year and what is best for your lawn. With each application, we leave a service ticket that lists the products used on your lawn/trees and their amounts.

Q. Do I need to do anything before my lawn application?

A. We just ask you pick up any hoses, toys, etc. from the lawn and to make sure we have access to your yard by keeping any gates unlocked.

Q. My dog leaves spots on the lawn. Will your treatments remove these?

A. No, unfortunately dogs can cause real damage to a lawn when they urinate on it. Urine from a dog can cause scorching of the turf. By watering regularly, especially to urine spots, the damage caused by dog urine will be minimized. With regular applications from Yard Guard, your lawn will be healthier and able to recover quicker.

Q. How do I pay for my services?

A. With Yard Guard, we make it easy for you. Go to and click “my account” in the top right corner. Simply sign up for auto bill or you can prepay for the year’s services. By prepaying at the beginning of each season, we offer discount for your services.

Q. What is the time frame between my applications?

A. Generally, applications are applied every 5-7 weeks. By using slow release products, we are able to extend the feeding period to about 40 days. We try to be out right around then.

Q. Will my service continue year after year?

A. Yes, your services do continue year after year. We also make it a point to reach out to each and every customer each spring.

Q. When should I water my lawn in regards to the application?

A. We like to keep things simple, best case water your lawn the following day. Just try not to water within a couple hours of the application to allow the weed control to do its job.

Q. How long do I wait to mow my lawn after an application?

A. Best case scenario wait a couple days and let the sprinklers run a cycle. If you happen to mow right away, it doesn’t make a huge difference.

During Treatment

Q. Do I have to be home when the services are being performed?

A. We know you are excited to see us, but you do not need to be home. We will leave an invoice on the door and will leave a note if there was anything that we wanted to bring to your attention.

Please remember to unlock your gates and keep your pets inside while we are there. Please feel free to call or text the office (406-222-1152) if you would like to be notified the day before a service.

Q. Is it safe for my kids and pets?

A. Yes. We would never use a product that we don’t feel comfortable using on our own homes and around our family’s. Safety is our highest priority for our staff and customers. We live here too, we want what’s best for our neighbors and environment.

Q. How long do I need to stay off the lawn?

A. The products we use are only active while they are wet. Once the grass is dry you are free to get back to enjoying your outdoor spaces. Depending on weather this can be 15 minutes to 3 hours.

Tips for keeping a healthy lawn

Q. How often should I water my lawn?

A. In Southwest Montana’s hot and dry summers, it is important to water your lawn with 1-2” of water each week. During the hotter summer months, some zones, mostly the south facing zones that are constantly in the sun, should be adjusted for more water to avoid those areas from drying out.

If you are unsure, shoot us a text and we can drop off a free rain gauge to use to test your sprinklers.

Q. When is the best time to water my lawn?

A. Early Morning (5-8am) is the best time to water your lawn. We recommend longer, infrequent watering’s (usually 3 times per week). Your soil should be moist to a depth of 6-12” after a watering.

Watering at night invites trouble. When plants stay wet overnight, they can be more prone to developing certain diseases that thrive in moist conditions.

Q. What are best practices for lawn mowing?

A. We recommend setting your mower to its highest setting, at a height of 3.5” to 4”. This keeps the roots from drying out and retaining moisture in the soil. Try to cut less than one-third of the grass blade in each mowing. When lawns are actively growing in the spring it may require mowing more than once a week.

Remember to sharpen your mower blades a couple of times per growing season. Dull blades tear the grass rather than cutting it.

If you want to cut your grass short like a putting green, keep in mind a putting green costs $25,000. Unless you want to spend that kind of money, raise your blades and see your lawn turn a rich dark color.

Love Your Yard
Your Neighbors Will Thank You

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