A Healthier, Happier Lawn
With Yard Guard!

Author: Carly

Yard Guard Team’s 2025 Goals

With the start of the new year, it’s time to look ahead! Each offseason at Yard Guard, we spend time reflecting on our past season and coming up with new goals for the season ahead. We believe this is essential to successfully grow our company, while keeping in line with our core values. 

Company Highlights

  • In 2024, we were able to grow our company to over 2,500 lawn customers! This year we hope to reach 3,200. 
  • We continued improving our blended organic program, with the implementation of a two-trigger hose system. This allows our techs to only apply herbicide where it’s needed, without the need for multiple pieces of equipment. We discovered towards the end of the season that some of this equipment wasn’t calibrated properly, resulting in less-than-perfect weed control. We found a manufacturer that can make a meter to fit our new system, allowing us to get calibration down to a fraction of an ounce. We look forward to fixing this for 2025! 
  • We performed a successful test of our water saver product! We will be continuing to offer this innovative service to our customers this upcoming season. Read more about this product here.
  • We have also been testing fully organic weed control products, in collaboration with the City of Bozeman, and have seen some promising results. We plan to offer a pilot fully organic program in 2025.

We asked our staff to share some of their personal and professional goals for 2025 below! 

Sidne plans to read one professional development book each month this year. Already an avid cook, she wants to learn how to cook more freely with ingredients, rather than strictly following recipes. We hope she lets us test some of her creations! 

Colin is striving to be a better leader for the team this year. He also wants to get outside and exercise 3+ days a week. In March, he will be going on a heli-ski trip to Alaska and hopes he will be able to ski top to bottom! 

Keri is continuing to live out her homesteading dreams. She currently has 8 chickens and is hoping to add 12 more to the flock this year, as well as 10 ducks! The ducks will require some new infrastructure- water park anyone?! As our most experienced customer service rep, she will be helping to instill her passion for great customer service in new additions to our office team. 

After saving for many, many years, Carly is trying to buy her first home! As our dispatcher, she is implementing new strategies to improve the scheduling experience for both customers and employees. 

Will’s goal this year is to achieve his dream physique! He has been hitting the gym hard in between ski runs on the mountain. Will is continuing to develop relationships with customers, through in-person consultations, and with other companies in the industry. 

Nate is working on developing better leadership skills this year. As our lead tree service technician, he is planning to take his passion a step further and become a certified arborist with the International Society of Arboriculture. 

Sammy attended real estate school last year, and plans to make the final step of getting her real estate license in 2025! She was one of our biggest producing techs in 2024 and hopes to beat her previous numbers this season.

Addy wants to crush this season and hopes to surpass Sammy’s numbers. The race is on! She has been working on updating our training processes, to ensure we have the most knowledgeable techs in the area. 

Reilly has been renting for years and is sick of it! His goal this year is to start saving for a down payment on his first home. He is doing a lot of work this winter getting our shop and trucks in tip-top shape for spring!

Lofton wants to spend more time traveling and camping this year!  As one of our newer team members, he is working on getting his applicators license, and developing a deeper knowledge of YG services. 


What are your goals for the new year? 

Types of Grass Seed

Did you know that fall is the best time to overseed your lawn? This is considered “dormant seeding”, which means you won’t see any new growth this year. However, when the soil is warming up in the spring the seeds will start to germinate. This gives you the maximum length of growing period before weeds start to compete with the new grass. It also allows the seed to get moisture from the melting snow, since sprinkler systems aren’t turned on until later in the season. For dormant seeding, we recommend planting in October- any earlier, and the seeds may start to germinate before the snow starts, leaving the young grass susceptible to drought. While overseeding is a fairly easy process to do yourself, it can be confusing trying to determine which type of grass seed to buy. There are many different varieties out there!

Warm vs Cool Season Grasses
Lawn grasses come in two main categories- warm season and cool season. As you may have guessed, cool-season grasses are used in Montana and other northern parts of the country. They are named as such because they do most of their growing in the spring and the fall, when the weather is cool. This is why fertilizing in the spring and fall is so strongly recommended- it gives your lawn nutrients when it is using them the most. Cool season grasses are able to survive cold winter temps, while warm season grasses cannot. The latter is only used in the southern-most areas of the country. 

Types of Cool Season Grasses 

Kentucky Bluegrass
Kentucky Bluegrass is the most common type of grass used for lawns in our area. Unlike the name suggests, this grass is native to Europe and Asia- not Kentucky! There are a few reasons it has become such a common choice for lawns.

It has a deep emerald green color. The blades are narrow and boat-shaped. You can typically see a distinct vein running down the middle of the blade. This grass is soft to the touch. 


  • Grows thick and dense, creating a desirable look and feel for lawns. The narrow blades give it a soft texture which is great for bare feet and yard activities. 
  • Spreads through its underground roots, which makes it easier for it to repair itself when damaged.
  • Holds up to high foot traffic. 
  • Thrives in full sun, so it is great for lawns that do not have a lot of shade.
  • Very cold-hardy; can withstand the harshest temps winter throws at it. 


  • It has a shallow root system, which makes it more susceptible to drought stress in the heat. Proper watering is very important to keep this grass looking green and lush in the summer months!  
  • Is sensitive to soil quality and compaction. Our fertilizer programs are a great option to ensure this grass stays healthy. 

Tall Fescue
Tall Fescue is another very popular choice for lawns. While the texture is less ideal for lawns than bluegrass, it generally requires less maintenance. 

It is a dark to medium green color. (More of a ‘classic’ green tone than bluegrass.) The blades are wide and stiff, giving it a coarse texture. 


  • Tolerates both sun and shade. 
  • Has a deeper root system than other grasses, so is more tolerant to drought during the hot summer months.
  • Is less sensitive than bluegrass to soil type and compaction, so may still thrive with less frequent fertilizer. 


  • It has a “bunch type” growth pattern, which means it spreads by growing above ground. Because of this, it does not easily repair itself when damaged. It may need overseeding each year in high traffic areas
  • It has a coarser texture than other grasses, giving the lawn a less ‘soft’ feeling under foot. 

Fine Fescue
Fine Fescue is similar to Tall Fescue, with a few notable differences. It has a softer feel, but is even more susceptible to damage from foot traffic. 

It is a dark to medium green color. The leaves are very narrow and fine, giving it a soft texture. 


  • Tolerates both sun and shade. 
  • Is tolerant of poor soil conditions and high elevations. 


  • Does not hold up well under frequent foot traffic. 
  • Is susceptible to some diseases and grubs. 

Perennial Ryegrass
This grass is commonly found in grass seed mixes. It germinates quickly, which can provide shade for the slower-growing grasses in the mix. It is also commonly used for pasture grass and erosion control areas. However, we do not recommend using it for a full lawn as it will likely not survive the cold winters we get here. 


It has a rich green color, which is similar to Kentucky Bluegrass. It has narrow, blade-shaped leaves. The blades are shiny on the underside, which is one way you can tell it apart from Bluegrass. 


  • Germinates and grows very quickly. 


  • It has a “bunch type” growth pattern, which means it spreads by growing above ground. Because of this, it does not easily repair itself when damaged. 
  • Tends to have a more patchy appearance than other grasses.
  • Does not tolerate extremely cold temperatures. 

Grass seed mixes are a common option you will see available in stores. The mixes allow folks to take advantage of the benefits from multiple different grasses, mitigating some of their downsides. Depending on your preferences and lawn type, you may want to look for a mix that is dominant in one grass or another. We recommend purchasing from local stores, as they typically have higher quality products, as well as products specific to our climate. Always be sure you are purchasing cool-season grasses. 

When laying down new seed, be sure that the soil is nice and loose; it is difficult for seed to germinate in compacted soil. If your soil is pretty beat down, we recommend putting down a thin layer of topsoil or mulch before spreading the seed. When Yard Guard treats lawns, we avoid spraying weed control on the new seedlings, as herbicides can hinder growth when it is young. Overseeding in the fall will give the new seeds the entire spring season to germinate and grow- leaving you with a nice full lawn by the time summer arrives. Happy planting! 

Mulching Around Trees: Benefits and Best Practices

In Montana’s harsh climate your trees need all the help they can get to grow strong and healthy. While Yard Guard offers a range of services to help with this, there are also some steps you can take yourself to help your trees feel their best! 

The first is proper watering. See our previous blog post here for more information regarding the amount of water your trees need throughout the seasons. Another step you can take is to mulch around your trees.


  • Moisture Retention: A layer of mulch around the base of your trees helps prevent water in the soil from evaporating by blocking direct sunlight and wind. Additionally, weeds and grass around the base of the tree will compete with the tree for water, soaking it up from the surface before it has a chance to reach the tree’s roots. Replacing vegetation with mulch will allow more water to reach the deeper roots of the tree.
  • Temperature Regulation: The mulch acts as an insulator for the soil around your tree, helping the roots stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
  • Damage Prevention: Having a ring of mulch around the tree prevents weed-wackers and other equipment from coming into contact with the trunk and causing damage.

Types of Mulch
A variety of materials can be used to mulch, such as stones or rubber. However, mulches made from organic materials will provide the most benefits for your tree as they mimic the natural environment of a forest and provide additional nutrients to the tree as they decompose. Bark and wood chips are the most common types of organic mulch. Grass clippings, leaves, sawdust and pine needles can also be used, but are typically less aesthetically pleasing and/or harder to obtain. 

Did you know? The City of Bozeman offers a free mulch program! Click this link for more information https://www.bozeman.net/departments/parks-and-recreation/forestry/free-mulch-program

How to Apply
Spread the mulch to a depth of 3-4” inches. (This is the recommended depth for our dry mountain climate.)  Too little mulch will not provide many benefits, and too much may lead to moisture related diseases. 

DO NOT pile the mulch up around the tree trunk. This is also known as a “mulch volcano” and it can cause decay and fungi on the trunk. Make sure you push the mulch back away from the base of the tree after you have spread it. You want to be able to see the flare at the base of the tree’s trunk. 


The circle of mulch should extend out to the drip line of the tree. The drip line is where the tree canopy ends. As your younger trees grow, you should enlarge the circle accordingly. 

Organic mulch decomposes over time, so you will want to replenish it with fresh mulch on a yearly basis. 

With properly installed mulch, your trees will be better protected from weeds, drought, and Montana’s extreme temperature swings. Combined with proper watering, it can be a great way to improve the health and growth of your trees. Happy mulching!!


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